Speaking Engagements
As a first speaking engagement, I was invited to share my story with the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Luncheon, hosted by the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati, on April 5, 2017. Notably, this would be my first time standing before an audience, sharing my story of triumph over trauma. The attendees were moved to a standing ovation by my ability to shine my light into dark spaces, and my gift of radiating joy while traveling the healing journey.
More Speaking Engagements
Teri’s inaugural Story of Hope speech April 5, 2017, at the YWCA of Greater Cincinnati’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Luncheon
After receiving an invitation to speak at the National Crime Victims' Rights Week luncheon at the YWCA Greater Cincinnati on April 5, 2017, I felt encouraged to continue sharing my story in other speaking engagements. This was my inaugural speech about my complex trauma history and story of hope!
Teri’s October 30, 2017 Story of Hope speech at Tristate Trauma Network Fall Conference
I continue to feel honored to speak at the Tristate Trauma Network Fall Conference in October 2017 (soon after returning from my journey to Orlando, FL to the Hay House Writers’ Workshop) with an audience of over 250 mental health professionals. Thankfully, my presentation was recorded via a phone as documentation for my writing needs. While a poor recording, the message is an important one to share.
Teri’s February 27, 2018 Story of Hope speaking engagement at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College
I spoke at the University of Cincinnati Clermont College, addressing students, faculty, and staff. The following article was written for The Lantern, UC Clermont College Student News, about my informative presentation on the importance of utilizing a trauma-informed care approach when responding to trauma survivors, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and my own healing journey from the darkness of complex trauma into the light of a peaceful and joyous existence. http://www.thelantern.media/campus-news/childrens-author-and-trauma-survivor-teri-wellbrock-speaks-on-campus/
* The Healing Place Podcast is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of The Healing Place Podcast must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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